v1.1.0 (view changelog)
More Information
Click on the item you want to change, then press any key.
Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V
Clear the bottom as line as soon as possible
Dig through a checkered stack instead of a diagonal one
Classic game with a variety of options.
A-Type: Play Forever B-Type: Reach 25 Lines
Choose a level to start
Enable the colour-changing retro skin
Allow the use of hard drop
Show a screen flash upon clearing a Tetris
Clear the lines as fast as you can!
Total lines to clear
The types of pieces used during the game
Have lines sent back to you
Standard game. Aim for a high score.
Lines to reach before winning
When on, set the maximum level to 15. When off, level will continously rise with the lock delay shortening after 20G.
Determines how long the game pauses between pieces
Disable gravity for a more relaxed game
Make the stack become invisible at level 21
Super-fast game. Aim for 300 lines.
Determines how the lockdown will function. Forgiving: Lock delay will reset upon all manipulations Limited: Lock delay will reset for a limited amount of manipulations Strict: Lock delay will reset only when a piece has fallen
How long it takes before the autoshift kicks in; default 10 frames
How fast the autoshift goes; default 2 frames
Override the speed at which pieces fall; default 'Auto'
Speed at which the piece soft drops; default 1G
The amount of time a piece can stay landed before it locks to the stack; default 30 frames
Allow the rotation of a piece before it appears
Allow the holding of a piece before it appears
The desired rotation system; default 'Super'
Completely enable or disable the sound system
Modifies the audio bank of the game
Plays a sound for a specific piece when it arrives in the next queue
Modifies the audio bank of the next queue audio indicators
Enable the announcer
Modifies the soundbank of the announcer
The size the game takes in the browser window
Changes the length in pieces of the next queue
Changes the side the next queue takes
The desired block skin
Use only white for block skins
Options for an outline around the pieces. 'Hidden' hides the stack.
Options for the ghost piece. 'Hidden' hides the active piece.
Displays the background grid.
Displays flying text for things like "SINGLE", "DOUBLE', etc. Also shows the combo and back-to-back streak counter.
When enabled, the playfield will react to the force of the pieces and move slightly.
When enabled, the initials systems will show during gameplay
Garbage will appear by piece instead of by time
Determines how far ahead you'll start in the challenge (not compatible with zen, currently)
UNFINISHEDPlay as fast as possible to earn the highest grade!
Determines the tuning of the game